Application Overview

For this application, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Name & Address
  • Driver's License
  • Medical Information
  • Current & Prior Employment Information
  • Education & Certification(s)
  • Criminal History/Driving Record
  • Personal References (with phone/address)
  • Emergency services history

In addition, please be prepared to provide copies of any certifications you hold (both front & back of each document). Though there are several options to provide these documents, NOTE that your application cannot be fully evaluated until the copies are received.

You can:

  • Upload them as part of your application;
  • Drop them off in person at the Academy office in Wolfforth;
  • Mail them.

Application items marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

About You

Your Address & Contact Informaton

List all significant medical history, including drug allergies. If none, please indicate "none."

Employment History/Experience


Please be prepared to provide copies of all diplomas and/or certifications, front & back, when requested by the Academy's application reviewers. Electronic copies are suitable; please assure that your name is included in the file name of each document.

High School Diploma/GED Received?
If you attended a vocational school instead of or in addition to a college or university, include it in this section as appropriate.
Indicate degree level and field (e.g., "Bachelor's, English")
If you attended a vocational school instead of or in addition to a college or university, include it in this section as appropriate.
Indicate degree level and field (e.g., "Bachelor's, English")



Do you possess any EMT or greater certifications?

Criminal History/Driving Record

Have you ever been charged with/convicted of DWI/DUI?
Have you ever been charged with/convicted of a misdemeanor (Class A or Class B)?
Have you ever been charged with/convicted of a felony?
Since you answered "Yes" to at least one of the three previous questions, please provide relevant details:

Personal References

Please provide two.

Reference 1
Reference 2

Emergency Services History

Fire Service Experience:

Fire Department City/State
EMS Department City/State

Career/Personal Goals

Information Accuracy Statement

I hereby affirm that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Wolfforth Fire & EMS will verify all information. Any false or misleading information may lead to denial of my attendance at, or my removal from, the Academy.

Please type your full name (as indicated on this application) as your electronic signature: